Heels 'R Us

Suffering from worn out heels, painful heels or heels that are just to difficult to walk on? Just visit us and all your problems will be solved...

Heels ‘R Us is founded in 2011. During a hot summer, with many outdoor events. My high heels worn down so fast that a had to visit my shoe repair every week. At a sudden moment, he knew my name. And that's nice, though..very expenive as well, as you can imagine. From that moment, I thought of repairing my high heels myself.

And I did. I tried different types of heeltips, and found the best one. But, I thought of more. How about the perfect soft, superthin cushioning for perfect walking? Or a perfect matching pair of folding flats when you are done walking? Or, how about high heel protectors, so that your heels will be perfect any time without a scratch.

Well. you can find all our solutions in the shop: www.heelsrus.net
